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Friday, April 29, 2011

Theater Related To My Major

Theater relates to my major in so many ways.  I am a Communications Media Major and have realized after taking Theater 101 how closely related the two really are.  Theater relates to my major because all of my life I have been exposed to talking in front of large crowds of people, singing in front of a large audience and performing in front of hundreds of people.  This helped me actually choose to get into the field of Communications Media. I have always wanted to be in front of the camera whether it is on television or in a news studio reporting the latest updates. That is my goal eventually is to be a news anchor.  Thanks to theater I was never shy when it came to being in the eyes of many.  I never had a problem with people watching me while I perform.  Theater also exposed me to the things that I faced in college for example I was already familiar with certain “lingo” that was used on and off stage.  In a way I believe it will give me the upper hand when it comes to learning more of the technical aspects I will learn as I further my interests in Communications Media.  I am thankful for the many opportunities that I was able to have when it came to acting lessons and performing in front of large groups of people.  I feel as if I wanted to switch my direction from becoming a news anchor I can even get into Public Relations and have a good understanding of having to communicate a message to a person or a group of people, thanks to theater.  I know that since I have gained all this experience while growing up I will never be shy or uncomfortable when the spot light is one me. 

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