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Friday, April 29, 2011

Works Cited - Playwrights Horizon Theater School - Mary Testa -  Anthony Rapp - Bernadette Peters,_D.C. - Arena Stage Theater School

Write A Play

Setting: In the woods of Northeast Pennsylvania
Johnny: 19 year old boy who goes to hang out in the woods all the time to escape the nonsense of everyday life, it is his sanctuary
Cayle: 19 year old girl friend who whines and complains because Johnny is always in the woods and never wants to spend time with her
Derek: Johnny’s best friend who is the only one who really knows what happens in the woods
Edna Williams: neighbor to Johnny

( Lights go up, Johnny is sitting in his wooded haven reading a book in peace until he hears the voice of his girlfriend screech through his trees)

( Johnny ducks for cover from his girlfriend and hides behind the big maple tree so he can’t be seen)
(Cayle keeps looking and suddenly gets annoyed and starts ranting about Johnny and walks out of the woods)
(Johnny peers out of from behind the tree, and hears a rustle coming from one of the bushes, out pops Derrick with a stick in his hand trying to sword fight him)
Derek: AHHH HAA! Did I scare you buddy? Hahaha come on sword fight with me!
(Johnny looks schocked to see Derrick and quickly finds a stick to sword fight back with)
Johnny: I’m gonna get you Derrick! You better run! Haha
( the boys chase after each other with laughter. Suddenly Derrick falls into a deep, hallow hole that was covered with leaves and tree branches)
(Johnny leans over to look inside the hole)
Derek: ow, yeah…I guess. Hey Johnny! I landed on something hard down here.
Johnny: well what is it?
(Johnny jumps down into the hole to see what Derek landed on, the boys uncover a wooden chest)
Johnny: holy crap dude! This thing is like 100 years old!
Derek: what? Open it up, I want to see what is inside!!
(Johnny and Derek lift the chest out of the hole)
Derek: wow this thing is heavy, at least I’m getting an arm workout haha
Johnny: you’re an idiot dude, haha
( the boys stare at this old wooden chest for a moment and dusted it off)
Johnny: there’s some marking on it? Do u see them?
Derek: yeah, yeah I do, I wonder what they are
Johnny: hmphh I don’t know I guess we’ll have to find out
Derek: okay now can we open it up, and stop wondering what is inside this thing
Johnny: alright alright alright
(johnny looks up at Derek with a sad face)
Johnny: we have a problem, it’s locked
Derek: shoot! Here take this rock!
(Derek hands Johnny a sharp rock to try and break the lock, Johnny hits it a few times)
Johnny: ugh! Ahh! Damn! Ouchhhh! Wait, I got it now
(Johnny opens up the chest to find millions of dollars)
Johnny: OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! (starts screaming with happiness)
(Derek looks inside the chest)
(The boys are dancing and singing arm in arm)
(Derek stops suddenly)
Derek: Johnny, we can’t tell anybody about this, what what if they come after us, or thought we stole it from someone?
Johnny: your right! We can’t tell anybody every ones gonna wanna be our friends, not even Cayle, wait what am I saying ESPECIALLY NOT CAYLE!
Johnny: we should take this inside, keep it safe, no one is at my house we can stash it there!
Derek: yeah you’re right, let’s bring our treasure in, away from the scavengers
(The two boys decide to walk back to Johnny’s house to hide their new treasure. Meanwhile Cayle is sitting at the kitchen table of Johnny’s house when the boys arrive)
Cayle: what are you doing Jonathan? Where were you? You stood me up again? You make me so mad!! What the hell is that piece of junk you guys are carrying?
Johnny: nothing.
Derek: yeah! Nonya business you --
Cayle: doesn’t look like nothing
(Cayle walks over to the boys to check out what they were holding)
Johnny: Cayle! STOP! I don’t want you to see it, it’s a surprise!
( Cayle jumps up, with a huge smile across her face)
Cayle: is it for me?! is that what you were doing all day buying me a gift!? Ahhhh ahhh! I love you Johnny!
(Cayle is jumping around enthusiastically)
Johnny: haha sorta, maybe…
(Johnny’s voice starts to crack and he’s starting to get warm, he starts pulling at his collar on his shirt, Derek give Johnny the WTF? Face )
Cayle: can I open it! Oh please let me open it!
( Cayle grabs the chest out of the boys hands and drops it on the ground)
Cayle: oooo haha this is heavy, must be expensive haha!
Derek: Cayle NO! Johnny make her stop!
Johnny: Cayle please don’t open it!
Cayle: what is it not for me?
Johnny: ughh, no it’s not…
Cayle: well too bad, I’m gonna open it anyway.
(Cayle proceeds to open it; she looks inside and is shocked of the contents of the chest)
Cayle: oh my god! This is amazing!
Derek: yeah… we know Cayle. Don’t go telling everybody now ya hear, we weren’t even gonna tell you!
Cayle: excuse me? Did you forget that I am your best friends girlfriend? Maybe you should remember that!
(Cayle walks over to Johnny)
Cayle: you weren’t gonna tell me? what is your problem?
Johnny: I’m sorry it was just supposed to be between Derek and I.
Cayle: well, I know how you can make it up to me…TAKE ME SHOPPING!!!! ! WOOOP WOOOP!
Johnny: well hey, now that Is a good idea! We could all use some new swag!
(Johnny looks at Derek)
Johnny: you in buddy?
Derek: yeah, I guess
(Derek smiles real big)
(Johnny, Cayle and Derek go on a shopping spree, lots of bags in there hand, smiles all around, walking down the street looking like hot shots)
Derek: check out these new kicks, $2,000, ahhh haaa
Johnny: ha bro I know I got the same ones hahahha
(the three teenagers suddenly got stopped by a police officer)
Cayle: can I help you?
Officer: no you can’t, but those two boys behind you can
(the boys look at each other with question, the officer pushes Cayle out of the way to get to the boys)
Johnny: can we help you with something sir?
Officer: ya damn right ya can, we got a call in from an older woman named Edna Williams putting a description out on two young fellas that look just like you two that stole a wooden chest off of her property earlier this week.
Johnny: sir, I know Mrs. Williams I mow her lawn for her, I don’t go over to her yard without her knowing I’m there to cut her grass  
Officer: NO BOY! She ain’t calling the police about you mowing her lawn wrong, she called em’ because you just stole from her part of the woods. You boys are gonna have to come downtown with me, does this girl belong to either of you.
(the officer points to Cayle)
Cayle: NO SIR, I DO NOT BELONG TO EITHER OF THEM. THOSE LYING, CHEATING THEIVES, i would never want to be associated with one of those low lives!
Officer: okay, so be it. Boys come with me!
(the boys enter a police car)
Derek: I told you she was a keeper, she would sell you out for a new pair of shoes!
Johnny: shut up Derek we have bigger problems than stinken’ Cayle not wanting to know us!
Officer: you might want to be quiet back there boys, maybe start thinking about a better excuse why I shouldn’t throw your butts in jail right now ahaha
(they arrive at the police station and enter the building while walking the officer is talking to them)
Officer: Mrs. Edna Williams is here she wanted to make sure we caught the right hooligans
(the officer takes the boys into the office where Edna is sitting waiting)
Officer: these your boys Mrs. Williams?
Edna: YES! Those are the boys that stole my chest!
Johnny: ma’mm I had no idea, I always go into the woods, I had no idea they were your woods.
Edna: I know you didn’t mean intentional harm but, that chest just has so much value in it. 
Johnny: I’m so sorry Mrs. Williams, I’ll glady give it all back to you, every penny that was in it. 
Edna: thank you Johnny, I just hope you learned your lesson, things that you find are not always for you, they belong to someone and have special meaning behind them. But I will drop the charges and make sure no harm comes to you or your friend.
Johnny: thank you mam.
Derek: thank you mam, I am sorry too, it just wasn’t all Johnny’s idea.
Edna: I no, I no.
Derek: but do you mind me asking why it was buried so far back in the woods, in a hole.
Edna: I was a little girl when I had put it there, it was for my children and their children after I was gone, I just had nowhere better to put it where no one could find it, my grandfather left it for me.  I forgot all about it honestly, until I saw you boys coming out from my part of the woods. So I should be thanking you instead of feeling like I was robbed.  In fact you can keep the clothing you bought and your little girlfriend Johnny can keep hers also. Kind of a thank you gift, I know you love those woods, I wouldn’t want you to be scared on account of me.
Johnny: thank you Mrs. Williams I am glad I helped at least a little bit, and the girlfriend, well lets just say she is just a friend now at this point.
( Edna smiles and nods her head)
Officer: ok boys, well I guess your free to go, just stay out of trouble. Don’t be taking anything that isn’t yours.
Johnny: thank you sir.
Derek: thank you sir.
( the boys exit the police station)
Derek: well man, atleast we know what it  feels like to have had millions of dollars, atleast for a day.
Johnny: haha yeah that went quick, to bad Edna had her glasses on that day we walked outta the woods!

Theater Related To My Major

Theater relates to my major in so many ways.  I am a Communications Media Major and have realized after taking Theater 101 how closely related the two really are.  Theater relates to my major because all of my life I have been exposed to talking in front of large crowds of people, singing in front of a large audience and performing in front of hundreds of people.  This helped me actually choose to get into the field of Communications Media. I have always wanted to be in front of the camera whether it is on television or in a news studio reporting the latest updates. That is my goal eventually is to be a news anchor.  Thanks to theater I was never shy when it came to being in the eyes of many.  I never had a problem with people watching me while I perform.  Theater also exposed me to the things that I faced in college for example I was already familiar with certain “lingo” that was used on and off stage.  In a way I believe it will give me the upper hand when it comes to learning more of the technical aspects I will learn as I further my interests in Communications Media.  I am thankful for the many opportunities that I was able to have when it came to acting lessons and performing in front of large groups of people.  I feel as if I wanted to switch my direction from becoming a news anchor I can even get into Public Relations and have a good understanding of having to communicate a message to a person or a group of people, thanks to theater.  I know that since I have gained all this experience while growing up I will never be shy or uncomfortable when the spot light is one me. 

Show Report

One of the productions I have seen over the course of this semester was “The Crucible” directed by Jason Chimondes.  The play was put on wonderfully by the students of IUP.  From the set to the costumes, the lighting the scenery I felt as if I was really in the middle of all the action.  For starters the set was very simple but really made the performance of the actors shine.   It was not to over powering and did not take away from the actors playing the characters.  The actors playing the characters really made the play come alive.  The actors did a phenomenal job with portraying the characters.  My two favorite characters from the performance were Abigail and John Proctor.  I thought the actors did such a good job with the characters they were chosen for.  I thought that the actress that played Abigail really provided such dynamic acting skills.  You could really tell that she put so much work into trying to give the audience a wonderful character that was interesting to watch.  I thought she performed well and gave the audience the sense of excitement because you never knew what she was going to do.  Whether it’d be being sneaky or screaming on the top of her lungs the audience was always engaged. The Actor who played John Proctor led such a powerful role.  He fit the part of John Proctor to every stitch.  The actor who played John Proctor made the character stand out.  You could really tell how the characters emotions were overflowing throughout the whole performance.  There was so much about “The Crucible” that I enjoyed.  The costumes for this performance made the time period of story fit perfectly.  From the dresses, and bonnets, to the raggedy clothing that John Proctor ended the play in was matched perfectly to the setting of the play.  The scenery was awesome! I loved the trees and the way the light would shine on them and create a woodsy eerie feeling.  It was a total shock to see the trees up close and realize that they were made of just tissue paper but had stood out the second the lights would come from underneath.  The lighting throughout the play showed how strong and powerful certain scenes of the play were.  For example when Tituba was in the cellar she started yelling and the blue light was shining in emphasizing the scene.  It made the scene so much more powerful rather than just a normal white light.  The play “The Crucible” was a mind jerking interesting play to watch.  I loved it and thought that the actors and the director did a wonderful job putting it together.  

Behind the Characters

Bernadette Peters was born February 28, 1948 in Queens, New York.  Her name is very familiar to the stages of theater.  She graced the stages of original Broadway productions such as the character Dot, in “Sunday in the Park with George”, Mabel Normand in “Mack and Mabel” and the Witch “Into the Woods.”  The character of the Witch from “Into the Woods” made a huge impact on me from watching it in class this past semester. Bernadette Peters once was giving a two minute long standing ovation which is one of the longest standing ovations in Tony History.  Her talents have let her to win two Tony Awards for “Song and Dance” and “Annie Get Your Gun.” Her success even made it possible for her to be on the recognized on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Live Theater.   

 Anthony Dean Rapp was born on October 26, 1917.  He is an American stage and film director and singer who made his name known to the world of Broadway by playing the role of Mark Cohen of "Rent."  Anthony Rapp made his first performance on Broadway during the production of "The Little Prince and the Aviator," which is a musical based on Antoine de Saint-Expuery’s novel.  He has been in many theater productions "Your’re a Good Man, Charlie" in 1999, "Nocturne" in 2001,  "Little Shop of Horrors" in 2004 and many many more.  His experiences with theater have led him to do other projects that include television and Filmography.  


Mary Testa was born June 4 1955.  She is an American stage actress that has won two Tony Awards for her performances in Leonard Berstein’s " On the Town" in 1988 and 42nd Street in 2001.  She had made her debut to Broadway as the character Miss Goldberg, in the musical In "Trousers." She later came back to Broadway in the summer of 2007 in the musical theater remake of the film Xanadu.  For her role in this performance she was awarded with a nomination of a Drama Desk Award.  She has collaborated with some of the best in the theater industry, William Finn, Michael LaChiusa, Stephen Sondheim, and Leonard Bernstien to name a few.  Mary Testas’ latest project she is involved with playing the character of Roz in the 9 to 5 national tour.